Any of these sound familiar?

🌟 you hesitate to speak up - in meetings, in social gatherings, at networking events

🌟 you carry a shameful, secret, low hum of dread - that one day 'they' will catch you out, and horrible consequence will occur

🌟 sometimes a mean voice in your head says 'who are you to be doing That Thing You Love / That Thing You Dream Of?'

🌟 sometimes when you look at the date, a part of you snaps into 'OMG I'm so behind, I'll never get it all done' (even when you're actually on time)

🌟 you look awesome on paper, but deep down you don't really FEEL it - you're a raging mess inside and if 'they' knew, all hell would break loose

These are all symptoms of Impostor Syndrome, and even if you haven't had those exact ones, I bet you know the kind of pressure I'm talking about. It's as though you don't really belong in those high-powered places, even though you have all the qualifications and results you can think of.

Join me on a quest to:

🌟 expose forever the nasty secrets of this toxic issue (which has held you back more than you know)

🌟 rewire your brain and inoculate against future shenanigans, with just five minutes of easy, playful delight per day for three weeks or so - my famous Trophy Room exercise

🌟 recruit the double-whammy superpowers of your own marvellous brain and mighty ally Saturn (even if you don't believe in magic)

This high-value resource is a mini-program delivered via video and transcript, and includes a guided journey, some radical concepts about what Impostor Syndrome really is (hint: it's not a character flaw), and extra support via email.

And it's my gift to you, because the world needs you doing your thing without all that BS in the way.


What you’ve learned is not the whole truth.

Impostor Syndrome is not a character flaw, and it’s not your fault. 

It’s the direct result of toxic systems that took up residence in your brain (and mine).

And that means we can (and must) CHANGE it.

It’s time to meet it head on, without myth and misunderstanding, so you can use this simple, easy-to-access process, guaranteed to rock that crap from its foundations, and set you free.

And because doing it with fun and ease is sooooooo much more effective, we'll do it through a fun process I know you'll enjoy.